Birmingham Young Life

Does it matter?

4 out of 5

Young Life participants consider Young Life and it's leaders to be a significant influence on their faith.


of volunteer leaders and staff with Young Life​ would overwhelmingly recommend their leadership experience to a friend.

Fun Fact #1:

There is only one paid staff person in our Birmingham Area! Everyone else volunteers out of love for kids in our area!

Did you know?

​ Fun Fact #2:

Young Life in Birmingham is funded in full by the community!

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​ Fun Fact #3:

We work with kids from every high school in the Birmingham area and beyond. If you are a high schooler we want you at Young Life!


"Young Life brought me into a community where I felt loved and appreciated and where I could become closer to God."

- Seaholm Junior

Give to Young Life Birmingham

We are fully funded by members of the community like you, please consider giving directly to Young Life in Birmingham - EASTERN OAKLAND COUNTY

Donate your time

Besides our one staff person Young Life Birmingham Runs by Volunteers
Use the email below to get plugged in and see how you can hlep